Travel, people and landscape photography feature prominently in my work and are my favourite subjects.
I enjoy taking images of most things but I especially enjoy travel, nature and people images partuclarly when they are linked together. I love to travel.
I travel quite a bit in the UK purely for pictures, my favourite places include the Lakes and North Wales around Snowdonia. My all time favourite place, and the place I travel most is South East Asia, mainly Cambodia and Vietnam, both countries and their people provide photographic opportunities that are vast and rewarding.
I now use Canon equipment , not because it is any better than Nikon or other digital cameras but because the ergonomics suit my taste. I am gradually building up a collection of good USM L glass to go with the camera bodies I have. I use the 1D bodies as I have found them to be most reliable and I like the solid weight in my hand. They are heavy and solidly built with great waterproofing (they are not WATERPROOF). I have found them reliable in the weather conditions I commonly find myself to be in in Asia, high humidity and occassional rainstorms. They have always functioned without a hitch.